Why give birth in a birth center? February 18, 2025Maëlys Bélier Widely distributed in certain countries around the world, birth centers appeared in 2015 in France and present an alternative solution to women who are moving towards a physiological birth, far...
Birth gift: how to please the mother? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier In general, when a baby is born, the little one is at the heart of all the attention and has no shortage of gifts! Clothes, birth boxes, decoration for the...
Where to give birth: how to choose the right maternity ward? December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou Your obstetrician or midwife will certainly ask you the question during the first pregnancy follow-up appointments : where do you want to give birth? If you are already a mother,...
Pregnancy and support: what is the role of doulas? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Perhaps you have heard of doulas, these women who can support you during your pregnancy? Far from midwives and the traditional medical profession, doulas offer you advice, help and listening...
Physiological childbirth: a natural alternative December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel More and more of you are considering or being won over by physiological childbirth , also called natural childbirth . But what exactly is it? It's simply about giving birth...
11 box de grossesse à découvrir pour une jeune ou une future maman December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel Prenez soin de vous avant, pendant et après la grossesse ! À mesure que votre corps subit des changements, adaptez votre routine de soins. Au cœur de cette routine, l'utilisation d'huiles...
Getting ready for the big day: the maternity suitcase November 13, 2024Audrey Hababou I'm Audrey, co-founder of Daylily Paris, and I wanted to share with you some tips for preparing your suitcase for the arrival of your baby. I was 39 weeks +...
Future parents: how to prepare to welcome your baby? October 28, 2024Maelys Belier A big change is looming in your life: you are preparing to become parents and in a few months your baby will be here. You may be wondering how to...
Childbirth: how to recognize labor contractions? September 02, 2022Léonie Houot You are at the end of your pregnancy, and for some time now the contractions have been increasing... So much so that you wonder if they are a harbinger of...
Childbirth without an epidural, what to expect? June 07, 2022Audrey Hababou Some don't want to hear about it, others only swear by this technique: the epidural is sometimes debated among future mothers! While this type of act is widespread in France,...
When should you go to the maternity ward? Recognize the signs! November 25, 2021Maëlys Bélier For 9 months, you have been waiting for this long-awaited moment...! Baby is about to arrive, but do you know when to leave for the maternity ward? The closer the...
Childbirth in summer: our 5 tips for an easier return home July 23, 2021Maëlys Bélier Your summer baby has just arrived, and the return home is now looming. Coming home with a new family member truly marks the start of a new life. Everyone will...
How does a cesarean delivery take place? April 22, 2021Audrey Hababou Delivery by cesarean section, whether planned or decided in the heat of the moment, is not always very well experienced by pregnant women. Beyond the apprehension, possible pain or complications...
Everything you need to know about haptonomy, a method of preparing for childbirth October 16, 2020Elisa Bernier Your belly is getting rounder, and your gynecologist has probably offered you childbirth preparation sessions. It's always a good idea to prepare for this special day, especially if it's your...
Preparation for childbirth September 04, 2017Margaux Gicquel You have entered the third trimester of pregnancy, and at the same time in the final stretch before the big meeting with baby. Your gynecologist will suggest that you take...