At what age should baby be placed in daycare? February 18, 2025Maëlys Bélier You have just registered your baby in a nursery and in a few weeks or months, your baby will discover another world and life in a community! Perhaps you are...
Breastfeeding baby, how to prepare? February 13, 2025Cédric Freppel It’s decided, you’re going to breastfeed baby ! If this is your first child or you've never breastfed your elders, you probably have a ton of questions about it. You...
Baby is 9 months old: the results for the mother and her child February 11, 2025Léonie Houot 9 months have passed since the birth of your baby, and your little one, like his mother, has already come a long way: learning language, taste through dietary diversification, motor...
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding: what to choose? December 26, 2024Elisa Bernier Breastfeeding or bottle feeding? If for some the choice is natural, for others, it deserves reflection. Whether or not to breastfeed your child is often a source of debate, and...
Skin to skin with baby, what are the benefits? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Skin to skin consists of placing baby close to you from the first minutes of life : naked (or in diaper) the newborn benefits from the warmth of your body...
The essentials for a young mother December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel "As a young mother for the 2nd time, I'm telling you about the wonders that have accompanied me since the birth of my son and that make my daily life...
Fear of abandonment, how to soothe baby? December 23, 2024Léonie Houot Fear of abandonment, also called separation anxiety, is a normal part of your child's development. Normal certainly, but not always easy to live with, both for the child and for...
Co-sleeping or co-sleeping: sleeping with your child December 23, 2024Elisa Bernier Co-sleeping, that is to say sleeping with your baby, is a divisive practice. If some see it as an opportunity to create bonds with the child , to maintain a...
The 4th trimester or the first months of a new life December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou The 4th trimester increasingly occupies discussions around motherhood. Ranging from the birth of the baby until the twelfth week of life, this stage is just as important for the child...
Uvesterol: is this vitamin D dangerous for babies December 23, 2024Elisa Bernier Fabien, midwife, gives us his opinion on the death that occurred after ingestion of a dose of vitamin D Uvesterol.
How to start diversifying your baby's diet? December 03, 2024Léonie Houot Your child is now a few months old and a big milestone is looming for him: dietary diversification ! From 4 months, baby's digestive system is more mature and he...
Baby is 12 months old: what are his new learnings? December 03, 2024Léonie Houot Baby has just blown out her first candle! What a long way since his birth : it's hard to believe that just a year ago, this little being who wanders...
Postpartum trenches: meaning, usefulness and pain December 02, 2024Clémence Hoarau Many new mothers are surprised to find that immediately after giving birth, uterine contractions continue. The trenches, that's their name, will help the uterus return to its normal size. How...
Breastfeeding: What positions to adopt? December 02, 2024Léonie Houot It’s decided, you are going to breastfeed your baby! And for this milky adventure to be a source of unforgettable moments, you must be comfortably seated with your child, in...
How to deal with lack of sleep when a newborn arrives? November 25, 2024Audrey Hababou Adapt to baby's rhythm while allowing time to rest, one of the challenges of parenting. The birth of a child is a moment Magic which disrupts everyday life. Your infant needs care and attention,...
Baby's sleep: We take stock with Caroline Ferriol from Fée Dodo November 07, 2024Margaux Gicquel Fée Dodo is a Company Committed to Baby Sleep , founded in 2019 by Caroline Ferriol . It offers a unique approach in the world to support families in the...
Postpartum, we tell you everything October 28, 2024Joe Dunne You will experience a dream birth, welcome a magnificent baby, return from maternity ward in great shape and immediately find balance in your family life... Of course, if that is...
Internal GERD: what are the symptoms in an infant? September 12, 2022Léonie Houot Baby constantly regurgitates, cries a lot and gains little weight... what if it was internal GERD? What are the exact symptoms, and how can you relieve your child ? Focus...
How to organize yourself to travel with a baby? June 02, 2022Maëlys Bélier The good weather has arrived and with them comes the desire for vacations and a change of scenery... But this year, the family has grown and a little traveler will...
How to give your baby's first bath? February 26, 2021Maëlys Bélier Baby has just been born, and you are slowly getting your bearings as a young parent! It must be recognized that the arrival of a newborn causes major upheavals in...
Comment calmer et apaiser les pleurs de votre bébé ? July 09, 2020Audrey Hababou Les pleurs d'un nourrisson sont pour lui le moyen de s'exprimer, d'exprimer ses besoins et de communiquer avec les personnes qui l'entourent ; mais ils peuvent être un moment difficile...