How to calm nausea at the end of pregnancy? February 19, 2025Audrey Hababou You thought you had finished with pregnancy nausea, and now it comes back a few weeks before giving birth... Let's take stock of third trimester nausea: where does it come...
Why give birth in a birth center? February 18, 2025Maëlys Bélier Widely distributed in certain countries around the world, birth centers appeared in 2015 in France and present an alternative solution to women who are moving towards a physiological birth, far...
Anti-stretch mark cream: why and when to start? February 14, 2025Maëlys Bélier Stretch marks during pregnancy are a concern for many expectant mothers. These fine streaks, often pink or purplish at first, appear when the skin undergoes significant stretching. This phenomenon is...
Pregnant: which herbal teas to take care of you? February 14, 2025Maëlys Bélier You are expecting a happy event, and you know that drinking in sufficient quantities is essential for your health and that of the baby. If you have decided to focus...
How to announce your pregnancy to the future dad? February 13, 2025Audrey Hababou The sweetest news has come to shake up your daily life: your pregnancy test is positive, you are pregnant and in a few months the family will expand! Of course,...
Pregnancy: how to reduce cellulite? February 11, 2025Maëlys Bélier Even though pregnancy changes your body in “ultra-positive” ways, several changes can be a source of anxiety for some women. Among these, cellulite is in the spotlight! And like most...
How to fight orange peel? February 11, 2025Margaux Gicquel Orange peel, or cellulite, is well known to most women - it is estimated that 90% of them have it on their thighs, buttocks, or even other parts of the...
Eighth month: on leave! December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou The watchword for this month: rest and relaxation... This will be all the easier to achieve as it's the month you go on maternity leave!
Folic acid, a necessary vitamin during pregnancy? December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou If you are pregnant or want to have a child, your doctor has certainly prescribed vitamins to boost your body and be in great shape. Among the latter, folic acid,...
The blessing way: what ceremony to celebrate the mother-to-be? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier We knew about the Baby Shower and the Gender Reveal Party, here is the Blessing Way ! If these festivals have the common point of taking place during pregnancy, the...
Organize a baby shower to celebrate the arrival of your baby! December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou Straight from the USA , the baby shower has been established in France for several years and has quickly become trendy! At the origin of this American concept: helping and...
Pregnant: our 5 original ideas for announcing your pregnancy December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Surprise... this morning two lines clearly appeared on your pregnancy test: there is no doubt, you are pregnant and in a few months, a little baby will join the family!...
Where to give birth: how to choose the right maternity ward? December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou Your obstetrician or midwife will certainly ask you the question during the first pregnancy follow-up appointments : where do you want to give birth? If you are already a mother,...
Pregnancy and support: what is the role of doulas? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Perhaps you have heard of doulas, these women who can support you during your pregnancy? Far from midwives and the traditional medical profession, doulas offer you advice, help and listening...
Multiple pregnancy: how to prepare for it? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Life has a nice surprise in store for you: during your first ultrasound, several embryos appeared on the screen... You are expecting twins or triplets and the family will grow...
What effective active ingredients should you choose in your anti-stretch mark cream? December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou There are many anti-stretch mark products on the market: cream, oil, gel, serum... when it comes to taking care of your skin to help it soften without cracking, there is...
Physiological childbirth: a natural alternative December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel More and more of you are considering or being won over by physiological childbirth , also called natural childbirth . But what exactly is it? It's simply about giving birth...
Our Dos and Don'ts to fight cellulite December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Cellulite is not always appreciated by women, and not only as the sunny days approach! Did you know that orange peel skin can intensify during pregnancy ? The cause is...
What scrub to use when you are pregnant? December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou Are you used to exfoliating to boost the radiance of your skin and you are rightly wondering if this beauty gesture is still appropriate while expecting a baby or if...
Stretch marks on the thighs: how to reduce them? December 26, 2024Elisa Bernier In the minds of future mothers, stretch marks appear on the stomach and chest ! A logical reasoning since these are the two parts of the body which change the...
10 tips to follow to protect your facial skin when you are pregnant December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel During pregnancy, facial skin is particularly impacted by the hormonal upheavals (increased production of estrogen and progesterone) that take place in your body. You may observe changes in your skin...
Put an end to heavy legs during pregnancy December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Since becoming pregnant, have you felt like your legs are heavy? Don't worry, this phenomenon affects many future mothers. Although it is common, it is no less unpleasant on a...
10 tips to reduce water retention when you are pregnant December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel The little inconveniences that go hand in hand with pregnancy are numerous. Among them, water retention! While expecting a baby, some women see their calves, ankles, hands, and sometimes even...
Melasma: how to make the pregnancy mask disappear? December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel The famous pregnancy mask, also called melasma or chloasma , is feared by pregnant women - at least as much as stretch marks! How to prevent its appearance, or reduce...
Gift box: what gift to give to a pregnant woman or a young mother? December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most important moments in a woman's life, and if we always think about preparing well for the baby's arrival, it is also essential to...
Which pregnancy oil against stretch marks? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier We all know that pregnancy is synonymous with quite brutal emotional and physical changes, so much so that the body sometimes has difficulty keeping up. Result ? your skin suffers...
2nd pregnancy: differences compared to the first pregnancy December 26, 2024Cédric Freppel Are you also pregnant for the second time and wondering if your pregnancy will be like the previous one?
Midwife's advice for a peaceful pregnancy December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Our partner midwife gives you her 10 best tips for enjoying your pregnancy.
Cosmétique et grossesse : composition et ingrédients à éviter December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Découvrez les ingrédients cosmétiques qu'il vaut mieux éviter pendant la grossesse et pour quelles raisons.
Pregnancy and heat: tips for living well while pregnant in summer December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Pregnant, 10 things to do to avoid suffering “too much” from the heat! The weather is nice, it's hot... but the problem is that you're pregnant and the heat has...
Stretch mark ritual, milk and dry oil for pregnant women December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Discover Marine 's opinion from the blog "Mademoiselle becomes Maman" on our Stretch Mark Ritual...
Third month: it’s official! December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou Good news: the ailments of the previous weeks should start to fade!! Woohoo! If this is not yet the case and you are still suffering from nausea, do not despair,...
How to have beautiful skin during pregnancy in 5 points? December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou “I'm pregnant, where do I sign for beautiful skin? » If we all have in mind the image of the fulfilled mother-to-be, who sports magnificent hair, a radiant skin tone...
Late pregnancy: there is no age to become a mother! December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Having a child after 40 ? Late pregnancy is a phenomenon that concerns more and more women. Today, it represents 5% of pregnant women. You decide to have a child...
Pregnant: 6 reasons to adopt Clean Beauty during pregnancy December 26, 2024Audrey Hababou Baby is on the way and you want to take care of yourself? Good idea, as long as you take a look at the composition of your treatments. Among your...
Why choose a cream with SPF when you are pregnant? December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel When pregnant , your body produces more melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning...but also brown spots ! To protect yourself, there is only one solution: adopt a suitable solar product....
Deconfinement and pregnancy: what can we allow ourselves? December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel After spending several weeks cooped up at home, it is quite normal to want to enjoy the great outdoors and the sunny days that have arrived. But now, you are...
Why and how to choose your pregnancy bola? December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Did you know that babies' senses awaken in the second trimester in utero? From the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus hears your heartbeat and perceives your breathing. From the...
How to wear makeup when you are pregnant? December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel During pregnancy, there is no question of giving up your femininity , whether in your wardrobe or in the bathroom! Taking care of yourself and feeling beautiful helps you have...
My skin is very oily at the start of pregnancy, what should I do? December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel From the first weeks of pregnancy, the balance of your body begins to change . Your skin is often the first to bear the brunt of the changes that take...
11 box de grossesse à découvrir pour une jeune ou une future maman December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel Prenez soin de vous avant, pendant et après la grossesse ! À mesure que votre corps subit des changements, adaptez votre routine de soins. Au cœur de cette routine, l'utilisation d'huiles...
How to live your pregnancy well? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life, and while all future mothers will agree that these nine months are unique and magical, they can also be tinged with...
Everything that awaits you in the second trimester of pregnancy! December 23, 2024Maëlys Bélier We often consider the second trimester of pregnancy to be the most fulfilling for a mother-to-be: the symptoms of early pregnancy, which are not always pleasant (nausea, fatigue, etc.) fade...
Pregnant women and vaccination against Covid: what about it? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Recommended for pregnant women from the first trimester of pregnancy, the vaccine against the Coronavirus Covid-19 still raises questions. Is there a risk for pregnancy? Does the vaccine endanger the...
Well-being and pregnancy: what yoga postures for pregnant women? December 23, 2024Maëlys Bélier You have certainly been told that during pregnancy, it is important to practice a gentle sport for your well-being and your health. Among the activities recommended for pregnant women, walking,...
Pregnant: how to celebrate Mother's Day? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Mother's Day will take place on Sunday, May 26. A date which will have a special flavor for you this year, since you are pregnant and you are preparing to...
5 good things to do to take care of your body during pregnancy December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel Taking care of your body during pregnancy is not always easy: fatigue, tension, heavy legs and stretch marks are the daily lot of many pregnant women... To be in great...
Water and hydration during pregnancy, what you need to know December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel Although it is not recommended to eat for two during pregnancy, it is recommended to drink a lot more water! From the inside and out, it is very important to...
Confinement and pregnancy: we take stock December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel (Updated 11/13/2020) The coronavirus epidemic continues to impact our lifestyles, and after a first confinement from mid-March to mid-May 2020, France has once again been reconfined in its entirety since...
Prevention: what foods should I forbid myself during pregnancy? December 23, 2024Cédric Freppel As you know, expecting a baby requires some changes in your lifestyle: no more high-impact sport, no more alcohol, no self-medication... In many areas, pregnancy gives rise to new habits...
Essential oils during pregnancy: which ones to choose, which ones to avoid? December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel When you are pregnant, the list of things not to do / not to eat / not to use often turns out to be very long, to the great dismay...
Pregnancy mask: sun exposure to avoid and treatment December 23, 2024Margaux Gicquel You are pregnant , the sunny days are setting in and your friend, your colleague or even your mother remark to you: “Be careful, don't expose yourself too much to...
What beauty routine should you adopt with Daylily? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Pregnancy is a unique period in a woman's life: physical changes occur quickly, and it is not always easy to see your figure transform so quickly. Added to this are...
Prenatal massage: 8 good reasons to treat yourself December 19, 2024Léonie Houot Back pain, heavy legs, dry skin prone to cellulite... If expecting a baby is a great moment of happiness, we must admit that certain aspects are much less exciting! To...
How to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy? December 19, 2024Léonie Houot At the start of pregnancy, you often have to deal with fatigue, cravings and guests you could have done without: morning sickness. Whether it attacks you at the foot of the...
The active ingredients to favor in your cosmetic treatments against stretch marks December 18, 2024Margaux Gicquel Ah stretch marks, those pregnancy friends that we would gladly do without! These purple streaks appear on the pregnant woman's belly when the skin has reached its maximum stretching capacity....
What outfit to wear when you are pregnant? December 18, 2024Elisa Bernier Your pretty belly is getting rounder every day and the conclusion is clear: your usual clothes no longer suit you! Too tight, uncomfortable, it's time to redo your wardrobe and...
Meeting with our expert toxicologist December 03, 2024Cédric Freppel At Daylily Paris, we carefully select the ingredients used in the composition of all our products to offer you safe care for future and young mothers. Natural and clean ingredients...
Here, we tell you everything about pregnancy, straight forward, month after month! December 02, 2024Audrey Hababou Prepare for some surprises as you read! Certainly, there are certain moments when you will feel at the top of your sex appeal but we do not hide from you...
Pregnancy stretch mark: how to avoid stretch marks November 26, 2024Audrey Hababou This is your No. 1 concern during pregnancy and it's completely normal! Find out how to maintain beautiful skin...
Stretch marks: how to reduce their visibility in summer? November 25, 2024Audrey Hababou Well hidden under a big sweater, stretch marks are invisible and can (almost) be forgotten. But summer is here, and revealing your stomach with lighter outfits or even wearing a...
Prevent stretch marks: “+ 30 kg, 0 stretch marks”! November 25, 2024Margaux Gicquel Marie, a young mother, tells us about the Daylily Paris Stretch Mark Ritual which she used throughout her pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. Despite significant weight gain, the morning and...
How to prevent stretch marks? November 25, 2024Audrey Hababou You're pregnant, congratulations ! You are normally used to taking care of your body and pampering it and you are determined not to let stretch marks take hold during these...
Getting ready for the big day: the maternity suitcase November 13, 2024Audrey Hababou I'm Audrey, co-founder of Daylily Paris, and I wanted to share with you some tips for preparing your suitcase for the arrival of your baby. I was 39 weeks +...
Seventh month: we prepare October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou Congratulations, you are entering the third and final trimester, your baby is now well formed. If you were to give birth now, we would still be talking about being very...
Ninth month: Deliverance! October 28, 2024Elisa Bernier The journey is coming to an end (“finally!” you might say). Yes, it is often during this 9th month that you start to find the time long.
Sixth month: it's a party in there... October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou The title says it all: it's a party inside!!! Between baby making java and your organs having to make way for the invader, that's a lot of upheaval within your...
Fifth month: he or she? October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou Big event of this 5th month: you will finally know if it's a boy or a girl! Unless you like surprises... and you know how to resist temptation?
Future parents: how to prepare to welcome your baby? October 28, 2024Maelys Belier A big change is looming in your life: you are preparing to become parents and in a few months your baby will be here. You may be wondering how to...
Everything you need to know about second trimester ultrasound October 28, 2024Léonie Houot If the very first ultrasound is a big moment in the life of young parents, the second, carried out during the 5th month of pregnancy, is generally just as significant....
Prenatal massage: kézako? October 28, 2024Margaux Gicquel If pregnancy is often synonymous with fullness and happiness for many future mothers, this period can also bring its share of inconveniences: tension in the back, stress, stretch marks ,...
How to prevent stretch marks on the stomach? October 28, 2024Margaux Gicquel During pregnancy the body “undergoes” the most impressive transformation of its life. Unfortunately, when poorly prepared, skin has a hard time keeping up. Stretch marks can then appear, particularly on...
How to reduce fatigue at the start of pregnancy? October 28, 2024Maëlys Bélier Among the little ailments of early pregnancy there is one that is particularly disconcerting when you are used to living at 100 miles an hour and doing a series of...
Everything you need to know about collagen when you are pregnant: benefits and uses October 28, 2024Margaux Gicquel Collagen is an essential protein. During pregnancy, collagen production supports the many physical changes. The latter helps maintain the elasticity of the skin , thus reducing the risk of stretch...
Hyperemesis gravidarum, when nausea and violent vomiting are involved during your pregnancy... October 28, 2024Maëlys Bélier Nausea and vomiting are unfortunately well known to expectant mothers at the start of pregnancy. In rare cases, they become so frequent and uncontrollable that you may have difficulty hydrating...
Second month: completely KO! October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou This is not the month that you are going to run a marathon! The small inconveniences of pregnancy can be felt: nausea, insomnia, cramps, constipation, heartburn, bloating, frequent urge to...
Fourth month: great! October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou Nausea and other major bouts of fatigue in the first trimester are (in theory) a thing of the past. You are fully entering the second trimester, a period during which...
First month: Positive test! October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou Congratulations, you are pregnant! During this first month of pregnancy, you may feel a little tired and perhaps "different"... (It's normal, a little revolution is brewing in your body!)
10 gift ideas for pregnant women October 28, 2024Maëlys Bélier Do you have a close friend or family member who is expecting a child? If generally all the attention is focused on the health of the unborn baby, it is...
Insomnia and pregnancy: how to sleep better while pregnant? October 28, 2024Elisa Bernier Many pregnant women will tell you: during pregnancy, the quality of sleep can be compromised and it is not uncommon to experience phases of insomnia that are more or less...
Asymptomatic pregnancy: how to know if you are pregnant? October 28, 2024Maëlys Bélier Who says pregnancy, says nausea, fatigue, tension in the breasts, absence of periods, mood swings... You are well aware of the symptoms which indicate that you are expecting a happy...
Pregnancy: how does the dating ultrasound take place? October 28, 2024Audrey Hababou The dating ultrasound is one of the most moving moments of pregnancy. This examination marks the first meeting between the unborn child, the future mother and the future father. But...
Pregnancy nausea: all our solutions to calm them down October 28, 2024Maëlys Bélier A large majority of women suffer from nausea during pregnancy. Indeed, pregnancy nausea is common, especially during the first three months and can continue afterwards. Although often benign, they can...
Exfoliation to reinforce the effectiveness of an anti-stretch mark routine February 13, 2024Maëlys Bélier During your pregnancy, you decided to do everything possible to avoid stretch marks on your body and maintain beautiful, flawless skin. Did you know that you can reinforce the effectiveness...
How to deal with prenatal depression? September 12, 2022Léonie Houot We often talk about postnatal depression, this depression which occurs after childbirth, and which, unlike the baby blues, lasts over time. Despite the arrival of this beautiful baby, the young...
Childbirth: how to recognize labor contractions? September 02, 2022Léonie Houot You are at the end of your pregnancy, and for some time now the contractions have been increasing... So much so that you wonder if they are a harbinger of...
Diastasis recti during and after pregnancy: how to prevent and treat it? July 15, 2022Maëlys Bélier Often overlooked, diastasis recti is nevertheless a problem frequently encountered by pregnant women at the end of pregnancy or young mothers who have just given birth. This is an excessive...
How to choose your shower gel when you are pregnant? July 05, 2022Maëlys Bélier As a mom-to-be, you may be very careful about what you put on your skin and you're absolutely right, because your body care, moisturizer and makeup products may contain substances...
Pregnancy & cocooning: our best advice April 27, 2022Maëlys Bélier Pregnant women are often pampered and surrounded by many little touches, and for good reason: between the fatigue of pregnancy and the fear of childbirth, you only want one thing:...
Treatment of white stretch marks and pregnancy: what solutions? April 27, 2022Maëlys Bélier Pregnancy is a period conducive to the appearance of stretch marks: rapid weight gain can in fact harm the epidermis, which becomes covered with purplish streaks. If there are solutions...
When pregnant, what sport(s) should you practice at home? April 25, 2022Audrey Hababou You are pregnant, and you are determined to stay in shape and maintain yourself until giving birth. Exercising at home is the ideal solution for continuing physical activity without constraints...
Pregnancy: is lower abdomen pain normal? March 31, 2022Audrey Hababou When pregnant, your body undergoes major transformations. And if you are absolutely delighted to be carrying life, you may also be a little worried that your pregnancy is not going...
When should you go to the maternity ward? Recognize the signs! November 25, 2021Maëlys Bélier For 9 months, you have been waiting for this long-awaited moment...! Baby is about to arrive, but do you know when to leave for the maternity ward? The closer the...
What anti-stretch mark ritual should you adopt during your pregnancy? November 19, 2021Maëlys Bélier You know that when you are pregnant, stretch marks lie in wait for you and can mar your stomach at any time, as well as any areas subject to strong...
Sexuality and pregnancy: let’s lift the taboos! October 28, 2021Audrey Hababou Just as every pregnancy is different , there is no absolute truth about the sexuality of parents-to-be. While some future mothers experience an incredible boost in libido, others prefer moments...
Stretch marks: preconceived ideas die hard June 03, 2021Audrey Hababou “Oh, but do you use anti-stretch mark products? You know, it's no use, if your skin has to crack, it will crack. » If you are pregnant, you must have...
Pregnancy: how to relieve itchy stomach skin? April 23, 2021Maëlys Bélier Among the little ailments of pregnancy is one that we don't often talk about, but which is nevertheless very real: itching ! These generally occur at the level of the...
How does a cesarean delivery take place? April 22, 2021Audrey Hababou Delivery by cesarean section, whether planned or decided in the heat of the moment, is not always very well experienced by pregnant women. Beyond the apprehension, possible pain or complications...
What face and body treatments should you adopt during pregnancy? April 15, 2021Maëlys Bélier Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life, who will see her body evolve and transform quickly. Dehydration of the skin, stretch marks, pregnancy masks are some of...
Moisturize your dry skin during pregnancy April 13, 2021Maëlys Bélier Nine months of pregnancy, nine months of changes that put the skin to the test! You expect to see your stomach get rounder, to have some nausea, possibly a little...
Pregnancy and stress: how to manage and what risks for the baby? April 12, 2021Audrey Hababou Pregnancy is often seen as a time of intense happiness and fulfillment by many mothers-to-be. After all, what could be more beautiful than carrying life and expecting a child? But...
How to properly nourish your skin when you are pregnant? April 09, 2021Maëlys Bélier During pregnancy, hormonal variations and significant weight gain have consequences on the quality of your skin. You probably already know: taking care of your body's skin is essential to soften...
Pregnancy stretch marks: preparing your skin for summer April 08, 2021Audrey Hababou Great, the sunny days are coming and we can only rejoice at the rise in temperatures and the summer holidays that are looming! But these 9 months of pregnancy and...
La Pause Douceur: pregnant women, treat your belly to a mask! April 07, 2021Audrey Hababou Future mother, treat yourself to a moment of relaxation with La Pause Douceur, the first fabric mask that moisturizes and soothes the bellies of pregnant women! A new product focused...
What skin problems do we experience during pregnancy? April 06, 2021Maëlys Bélier We all have in mind the image of the radiant pregnant woman, with rounded shapes, who always sports a pretty glowy complexion. Behind this perfect image often hides another reality:...
How to treat pregnancy hives? April 05, 2021Maëlys Bélier During pregnancy, it's a fact that many women notice that their skin becomes drier. This phenomenon, linked to hormones running at full speed, is not pleasant but benign. It may...
Stretch marks on the stomach and around the navel: how to make them disappear? April 03, 2021Maëlys Bélier Pregnancy is synonymous with upheaval on all levels: hormonal, emotional, and of course physical, with the resulting weight gain. An upheaval which can sometimes leave very concrete traces on the...
Early pregnancy: how do stretch marks appear? April 02, 2021Audrey Hababou You have just learned that you are expecting a happy event and as a result you are entering the world of pregnancy and motherhood. Congratulations ! You've heard about stretch...
Pregnancy: how to reduce purple stretch marks? March 05, 2021Maëlys Bélier Ouch! Purple stretch marks appeared on your body during pregnancy and you don't really plan to welcome them... It must be said that these brightly colored marks, totally benign and...
End of pregnancy: how to avoid stretch marks? March 03, 2021Audrey Hababou You are reaching the home stretch of your pregnancy: in a few weeks, baby will be here! If your body has already experienced a lot of transformations, you are entering...
Maternity clothes: how to dress while pregnant? February 22, 2021Margaux Gicquel You are pregnant and big changes are on the horizon: your diet, your beauty routine and your clothes will undergo some changes to best support your new needs as a...
How to avoid stretch marks on hips during pregnancy? February 19, 2021Elisa Bernier During pregnancy, stretch marks can appear on the stomach, chest, but also on... the hips, an area that we don't always think about at first! However, it is experiencing the...
Pregnant woman: what to eat during the end-of-year holidays? January 28, 2021Elisa Bernier You are looking forward to the Christmas holidays, but this year, things have changed a little because you are waiting for a happy event. As you know, certain restrictions accompany...
The benefits of breast massage January 27, 2021Elisa Bernier The chest is a part of the body that bears the brunt of the effects of pregnancy. From the first weeks, under the action of hormones, it changes and increases...
Pregnant: what positions to sleep well? January 26, 2021Elisa Bernier All pregnant women will tell you: “sleeping well” and “expecting a child” do not always go hand in hand :-) Between the kicks of the baby who always seems incredibly...
Deodorant during pregnancy and breastfeeding: which formula to turn to? January 14, 2021Elisa Bernier Deodorant is one of those products that we view with suspicion: regularly highlighted by the press for their harmfulness, it is nevertheless difficult to do without it on a daily...
What body care should you prioritize during pregnancy? December 08, 2020Elisa Bernier During pregnancy, we all want to take refuge in a cocoon of softness, take care of ourselves and take a moment of relaxation, alone or in pairs, while waiting for...
When pregnant, how to mattify oily skin and reduce shine on the face? December 04, 2020Elisa Bernier The body and silhouette change rapidly under the influence of pregnancy hormones, and if there is one change that we do not always expect, it is that of the quality...
Prevent the pregnancy mask from the start of your pregnancy October 20, 2020Margaux Gicquel The pregnancy mask is feared by future mothers, and for good reason: if they are completely benign, these pigmented spots which invade the face are not always easy to accept...
Everything you need to know about haptonomy, a method of preparing for childbirth October 16, 2020Elisa Bernier Your belly is getting rounder, and your gynecologist has probably offered you childbirth preparation sessions. It's always a good idea to prepare for this special day, especially if it's your...
How to overcome denial of pregnancy? October 15, 2020Margaux Gicquel Pregnancy is, in theory, a little bubble of happiness during which we pay attention to this growing baby. We caress this growing belly, we carefully prepare for the arrival of...
L’Huile Mère-Veilleuse, a multifunctional oil rich in pleasure and delicacy! October 08, 2020Margaux Gicquel Mother Nightlight Oil officially joins the Daylily Paris skincare family. You told us that you regret not being able to use the Sensory Oil that you love after your pregnancy....
I just found out that I am pregnant: what should I do? September 03, 2020Audrey Hababou You have just taken a pregnancy test and the result is clear: a nice + or a second line has just emerged, and a happy event is looming. Congratulations !...
Healthy lifestyle and pregnancy: what are the important points to watch out for? August 04, 2020Margaux Gicquel As you know, pregnancy involves certain prohibitions for future mothers. Food , sport, lifestyle: many points of vigilance govern your daily life as a pregnant woman and change your little...
What is the babymoon? July 22, 2020Margaux Gicquel Going on vacation to spend quality time together before the baby arrives? It is the concept of the babymoon - directly inspired by the honeymoon - which is attracting more...
The effects of hormones during pregnancy July 20, 2020Margaux Gicquel From the start of pregnancy, the hormonal system changes: estrogens, progesterone and others come into action to, on the one hand, ensure the good growth of the embryo then the...
Pregnancy: which diet to favor? July 16, 2020Margaux Gicquel We won't hide it from you, pregnancy is not always easy. Hormones and all the upheavals taking place in your body can cause fatigue, chaotic sleep, stress, water retention, small...
Keeping skin smooth and beautiful: Daylily’s advice May 18, 2020Margaux Gicquel During pregnancy , we all dream of sporting a radiant and glowy complexion and maintaining a firm and toned body as much as possible, despite the transformation of our silhouette...
Caring for your facial skin during pregnancy April 24, 2020Margaux Gicquel While expecting a baby, the production of estrogen and progesterone goes into overdrive, causing many changes in your body, but also in your epidermis . The face is particularly affected...
Pregnancy: The benefits of meditation April 23, 2020Margaux Gicquel As wonderful as they are, the nine months of pregnancy can also be tinged with little worries , fear , even stress ! Pregnant women all experience episodes of doubts...
Firm your bust during and after pregnancy April 02, 2020Cédric Freppel The belly is the center of all attention during pregnancy : you pamper your skin with anti-stretch mark creams to prevent the appearance of streaks, and after childbirth, you want...
The dangers of conventional deodorant during pregnancy March 26, 2020Maëlys Bélier When you are pregnant, you have decided to pay particular attention to the products you apply to your skin, and you are completely right to be vigilant about the composition...
Should we turn to organic cosmetics during pregnancy? February 28, 2020Margaux Gicquel When you are pregnant, it is imperative to review your face and body beauty routine in order to only use safe care, both for yourself and for your baby. Instinctively,...
Why take 100% probiotics during pregnancy? February 18, 2020Margaux Gicquel Each individual harbors colonies of microorganisms: microbiota of the intestine, mouth, vagina, lungs or skin. The most important of these is the intestinal microbiota with 100 trillion bacteria belonging to...
The benefits of coconut oil during pregnancy January 14, 2020Audrey Hababou You have certainly heard of the benefits of vegetable oils, such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, or even rosehip oil during pregnancy. Did you know that coconut oil, in...
Deodorant: how to choose it when you are pregnant? December 06, 2019Cédric Freppel Aluminum salts, phthalates, parabens... If there is one hygiene product that is regularly criticized for its potential harm, it's deodorant! However, there is no question of doing without it, especially...
Do coffee and pregnancy go well together? December 06, 2019Margaux Gicquel Coffee and you are a great love story! You are used to having a cup of plain coffee or a latte for breakfast to wake you up, and punctuating your...
Red stretch marks: what are the causes and how to reduce them? October 17, 2019Elisa Bernier Stretch marks are certainly among the fears of many women – especially expectant mothers. It must be said that seeing your body covered in purple streaks is not always pleasant,...
Les bienfaits des huiles végétales pendant la grossesse pour lutter contre les vergetures October 14, 2019Margaux Gicquel On vous l’a toujours dit : pour éviter l’apparition de vergetures pendant la grossesse, il faut hydrater et masser sa peau très régulièrement pour l’assouplir et préserver son élasticité, l’empêchant...
1st month of pregnancy: Tips for starting your new life October 11, 2019Cédric Freppel You had some suspicions, and a pregnancy test has just confirmed them by revealing a pretty cross: you are pregnant! Congratulations, a great adventure begins ! Between intense joy and...
Pourquoi adopter une crème de jour avec SPF quand on est enceinte ? May 07, 2019Cédric Freppel Protéger son visage des méfaits du soleil est important, et vous le savez : dès que les beaux jours arrivent, le sujet revient en une des magazines et des médias télévisés !...
Pregnancy: how to make stretch marks disappear on the chest? January 17, 2019Margaux Gicquel If pregnancy makes women beautiful and radiant, it also brings its share of small inconveniences. Among the sworn enemies: stretch marks! But there is no question of letting them invade...
Prenatal massage with Amandine de Lunaissance October 17, 2018Margaux Gicquel After testing the services of Amandine de Lunaissance and her magical fingers during a prenatal massage, we wanted to interview her. First a customer of Daylily Paris products during her...
Pregnancy mask: how to prevent and treat it? October 11, 2018Margaux Gicquel Also scientifically called chloasma or melasma , the mask of pregnancy corresponds to hyperpigmentation of the skin which is located on the forehead, cheekbones and upper lip. But don't panic:...
Massages for pregnant women: techniques September 12, 2018Margaux Gicquel In addition to seeing their bodies change, pregnant women experience significant side effects during their pregnancy and have very specific needs. Among them, massages are undoubtedly the most beneficial, because...
Proteinuria and High Blood Pressure (HBP) during pregnancy: Decryption August 28, 2018Cédric Freppel Proteinuria and High Blood Pressure during pregnancy: Fabien Lequenne, Midwife, explains what these terms mean.
Soins vergetures pendant la grossesse : Noémie, enceinte et blogueuse, vous en parle August 06, 2018Margaux Gicquel Noémie est une blogueuse partageant son avis sur les soins Daylily Paris. En effet, elle a eu l'occasion de les tester et explique pourquoi ils sont devenus ses essentiels :)
Moodkit: maternity clothes created by Fanny-future mother December 20, 2017Margaux Gicquel THE ideal garment to wear throughout pregnancy to feel like you're in a cocoon while looking beautiful...
Preparation for childbirth September 04, 2017Margaux Gicquel You have entered the third trimester of pregnancy, and at the same time in the final stretch before the big meeting with baby. Your gynecologist will suggest that you take...
Cosmetics and pregnancy: endocrine disruptors to avoid June 09, 2017Cédric Freppel UFC-Que Choisir warns against 1,000 cosmetic products, including 23 “outlaws”
Pregnancy bola: the benefits before and after childbirth November 18, 2016Margaux Gicquel You have certainly seen many pregnant women wearing this jewelry, but do you know its meaning?
Midwife: Fabien, the partner of the Daylily Paris brand November 01, 2016Elisa Bernier Fabien, our partner midwife, is the husband of Audrey, one of the two co-founders of Daylily Paris, but who is he really...