Postpartum trenches: meaning, usefulness and pain February 26, 2025Clémence Hoarau Many new mothers are surprised to find that immediately after giving birth, uterine contractions continue. The trenches, that's their name, will help the uterus return to its normal size. How...
Making your stretch marks disappear: mission impossible? February 18, 2025Audrey Hababou Stretch marks are the fear of pregnant women. These purplish streaks, which mark the stomach, breasts, thighs and all areas of tension, are unsightly and often a source of complexes,...
How to reclaim your body after pregnancy? Discover our tips for feeling good in your (new) skin February 13, 2025Maëlys Bélier Pregnancy is a period when a woman's body changes. If generally, seeing your belly getting rounder day by day is a positive and fulfilling feeling, once the baby arrives, it...
Breastfeeding baby, how to prepare? February 13, 2025Cédric Freppel It’s decided, you’re going to breastfeed baby ! If this is your first child or you've never breastfed your elders, you probably have a ton of questions about it. You...
Birth gift: how to please the mother? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier In general, when a baby is born, the little one is at the heart of all the attention and has no shortage of gifts! Clothes, birth boxes, decoration for the...
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding: what to choose? December 26, 2024Elisa Bernier Breastfeeding or bottle feeding? If for some the choice is natural, for others, it deserves reflection. Whether or not to breastfeed your child is often a source of debate, and...
Skin to skin with baby, what are the benefits? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Skin to skin consists of placing baby close to you from the first minutes of life : naked (or in diaper) the newborn benefits from the warmth of your body...
The essentials for a young mother December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel "As a young mother for the 2nd time, I'm telling you about the wonders that have accompanied me since the birth of my son and that make my daily life...
Pregnancy and support: what is the role of doulas? December 26, 2024Maëlys Bélier Perhaps you have heard of doulas, these women who can support you during your pregnancy? Far from midwives and the traditional medical profession, doulas offer you advice, help and listening...
Our Dos and Don'ts to fight cellulite December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Cellulite is not always appreciated by women, and not only as the sunny days approach! Did you know that orange peel skin can intensify during pregnancy ? The cause is...
Stretch marks on the thighs: how to reduce them? December 26, 2024Elisa Bernier In the minds of future mothers, stretch marks appear on the stomach and chest ! A logical reasoning since these are the two parts of the body which change the...
Gift box: what gift to give to a pregnant woman or a young mother? December 26, 2024Margaux Gicquel Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most important moments in a woman's life, and if we always think about preparing well for the baby's arrival, it is also essential to...
Post-natal massage, a revitalizing feminine treatment December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou After 9 months of pregnancy and a sometimes long and trying birth, many young mothers dream of only one thing: taking a little time for themselves and pampering this body...
The 4th trimester or the first months of a new life December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou The 4th trimester increasingly occupies discussions around motherhood. Ranging from the birth of the baby until the twelfth week of life, this stage is just as important for the child...
Postpartum: how to get your stomach back after pregnancy? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Have you just had a baby and would like to gradually regain a nice flat stomach? It is very natural to want to regain a beautiful figure after childbirth: you...
What are the benefits of body oils? December 23, 2024Elisa Bernier Vegetable oils are precious allies for pampering your skin and maintaining its beauty! Their restorative, nourishing, softening and even anti-oxidant properties are well established and make them simply essential for...
Baby clash: how to avoid a relationship crisis after the birth of a baby? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Baby is born and if his arrival was synonymous with a wave of happiness and intense joy, you can quickly be caught up by daily reality. Between fatigue, mental load...
What beauty routine should you adopt with Daylily? December 23, 2024Audrey Hababou Pregnancy is a unique period in a woman's life: physical changes occur quickly, and it is not always easy to see your figure transform so quickly. Added to this are...
How to manage the flow of milk when you don't want to breastfeed? December 03, 2024Maëlys Bélier Childbirth is followed by the production of breast milk. However, not all women want to initiate breastfeeding. How to manage this surge of milk when you don't want to breastfeed?...
Postpartum hair loss, how to avoid it? December 03, 2024Audrey Hababou Were you delighted, during your pregnancy, to sport luminous, fresh skin and beautiful, thick hair? The return to reality can be quite hard since many young mothers will experience an...
Postnatal pathological leave: everything you need to know December 03, 2024Léonie Houot You recently gave birth, and the return to work is already looming... You may have been told about medical leave, which allows, under certain conditions, to extend your maternity leave...
Breastfeeding: What positions to adopt? December 02, 2024Léonie Houot It’s decided, you are going to breastfeed your baby! And for this milky adventure to be a source of unforgettable moments, you must be comfortably seated with your child, in...
Postpartum depression, how to recognize it, prevent it and treat it? December 02, 2024Maelys Belier You were happy to welcome this little baby, and yet since giving birth, you have not been able to rejoice and enjoy this new happiness. Worse, you feel depressed ,...
What care can you take to recover well after childbirth? December 02, 2024Maëlys Bélier After 9 months of pregnancy, childbirth is a stage that can be taxing on the body. Now that baby is here, you understandably want to recover from your delivery to...
How to deal with lack of sleep when a newborn arrives? November 25, 2024Audrey Hababou Adapt to baby's rhythm while allowing time to rest, one of the challenges of parenting. The birth of a child is a moment Magic which disrupts everyday life. Your infant needs care and attention,...
Getting ready for the big day: the maternity suitcase November 13, 2024Audrey Hababou I'm Audrey, co-founder of Daylily Paris, and I wanted to share with you some tips for preparing your suitcase for the arrival of your baby. I was 39 weeks +...
Postpartum, we tell you everything October 28, 2024Joe Dunne You will experience a dream birth, welcome a magnificent baby, return from maternity ward in great shape and immediately find balance in your family life... Of course, if that is...
Exfoliation to reinforce the effectiveness of an anti-stretch mark routine February 13, 2024Maëlys Bélier During your pregnancy, you decided to do everything possible to avoid stretch marks on your body and maintain beautiful, flawless skin. Did you know that you can reinforce the effectiveness...
When to take a bath after the birth of your baby? September 01, 2022Léonie Houot After a sometimes long or trying birth, you often want to take care of your body and give yourself a little well-deserved moment of relaxation. There's nothing better than diving...
Diet and postpartum July 19, 2022Maëlys Bélier After pregnancy, it is important to pamper your body. Above all, it is necessary to ensure, during this period, that the body does not lack any nutrients so as not...
Diastasis recti during and after pregnancy: how to prevent and treat it? July 15, 2022Maëlys Bélier Often overlooked, diastasis recti is nevertheless a problem frequently encountered by pregnant women at the end of pregnancy or young mothers who have just given birth. This is an excessive...
Why and how to re-educate your perineum? May 04, 2022Maëlys Bélier If you have just given birth, you will probably be offered perineal rehabilitation . The perineum is the muscle located on the lower wall of the pelvis, which supports the...
Cellulite after pregnancy: what solutions? April 25, 2022Margaux Gicquel After having a baby, it's not always easy to get back to your previous body! Nature may have left you with some vestiges of pregnancy, such as stretch marks ,...
What pain can occur after childbirth? March 30, 2022Maëlys Bélier The media tends to convey the image of young mothers in great shape two days after giving birth, who fit into their size 36 jeans and who have already returned...
The benefits of acupuncture after childbirth October 21, 2021Cédric Freppel For women, postpartum can be a time of life that is sometimes difficult to manage, both emotionally and physically. Very often during your pregnancy, you have prepared so much for...
SOS I sweat more since giving birth August 06, 2021Maëlys Bélier Bad surprise, you have noticed, since giving birth , that your sweating is more abundant ... which is not really pleasant, both in terms of odors and this feeling of...
Childbirth in summer: our 5 tips for an easier return home July 23, 2021Maëlys Bélier Your summer baby has just arrived, and the return home is now looming. Coming home with a new family member truly marks the start of a new life. Everyone will...
The right actions to treat the post-cesarean scar March 02, 2021Maëlys Bélier You have just given birth to the most beautiful baby… by cesarean section ! If giving birth this way was not necessarily part of your plans or your preferences, you...
Stretch marks on the buttocks: how to reduce them? March 01, 2021Audrey Hababou Pregnancy will have left you with a vestige that you would have done without: stretch marks on your buttocks ! These red marks, although benign, can cause you an aesthetic...
The benefits of breast massage January 27, 2021Elisa Bernier The chest is a part of the body that bears the brunt of the effects of pregnancy. From the first weeks, under the action of hormones, it changes and increases...
Deodorant during pregnancy and breastfeeding: which formula to turn to? January 14, 2021Elisa Bernier Deodorant is one of those products that we view with suspicion: regularly highlighted by the press for their harmfulness, it is nevertheless difficult to do without it on a daily...
L’Huile Mère-Veilleuse, a multifunctional oil rich in pleasure and delicacy! October 08, 2020Margaux Gicquel Mother Nightlight Oil officially joins the Daylily Paris skincare family. You told us that you regret not being able to use the Sensory Oil that you love after your pregnancy....
How to fight the baby blues? July 08, 2020Margaux Gicquel Baby was born, he is absolutely perfect, everything went well (or at least for the best) and yet, a shadow comes to tarnish your happiness of being a mother. Without...
What post-pregnancy care to choose? May 13, 2020Elisa Bernier After carrying life for nine months, your body has undergone many transformations. It is quite normal to want to reclaim it to regain your pre-pregnancy figure, with firm and well-nourished skin,...
Firm your bust during and after pregnancy April 02, 2020Cédric Freppel The belly is the center of all attention during pregnancy : you pamper your skin with anti-stretch mark creams to prevent the appearance of streaks, and after childbirth, you want...
Firm your stomach after pregnancy February 14, 2020Audrey Hababou Pregnancy is a real upheaval for women, both emotionally and physically. It's not easy to see the pounds pile up and your body transform to this extent, even if it's...
5 tips to follow to get back into sport after giving birth December 30, 2019Margaux Gicquel Baby is here! You are delighted, and you are looking forward to being able to resume physical activity soon (or not!). Your motivations are varied: regain your pre-pregnancy weight, tone...
What sport should you adopt after giving birth? December 06, 2019Cédric Freppel That's it, baby is born! And even if you are a little nostalgic for that pretty round belly and your voluptuous shapes as a mother-to-be, you now only want to:...
Do essential oils and breastfeeding go well together? October 11, 2019Maëlys Bélier Baby has arrived, and you have decided to breastfeed! Throughout your pregnancy, you paid attention to the care you used so that it did not impact the proper development of...
Getting your body back after baby: stretch marks and laser treatment April 04, 2019Elisa Bernier How to make stretch marks disappear or at least reduce them? Perhaps you have heard of laser treatment? Let’s review the different methods available to you! Baby is here! This...
Taking care of your body after childbirth November 09, 2018Margaux Gicquel Once we have given birth, our perception of our body and the things around us gradually returns to normal. But for some, returning to reality is difficult. Taking care of...
Jeune maman : baby-blues, chute d'hormones, allaitement March 22, 2017Cédric Freppel Ça y est, vous êtes maman !!! C'est le moment de découvrir ce qui vous attend... Et on vous dit tout ce qu'il y a à faire sur le plan...