29th to 32nd week of amenorrhea / 27th to 30th week of pregnancy
In short :
Your belly continues to grow and you are really starting to look forward to the arrival of your little one! You have your last ultrasound where you will no longer see your baby in full because he has grown so much.
If you haven't already done so, now is the time to make an appointment with your midwife to start childbirth preparation classes.
This is also a time to reflect on your postpartum. Do not underestimate the difficulties you may encounter after the baby's arrival, both physically and psychologically. To support you on the path to a peaceful postpartum, we have developed 6 products that will very quickly become your best ally. Quickly discover Mama Saver - the postpartum kit!

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99,00 €
As for the hassles of pregnancy, your stomach has less and less space and you can suffer from acid reflux, constipation, bloating and therefore aerophagia. To help as best as possible, drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet and practice appropriate activity : gentle walking, yoga, swimming, etc... above all, do not overdo it, at the risk of triggering labor... because even if baby is already well developed, there is no doubt that he will prefer to continue his growth in a warm place!
To continue the joys of pregnancy, the risks of varicose veins and hemorrhoids are also greater during these last months.
Your heart beats faster and you become more and more out of breath, so let's take it easy. Fatigue also tends to return, so rest: go find your dear nursing pillow for loooong naps that feel good!
And if you are prone to heavy legs, with water retention, do not hesitate to elevate them when you rest. Also run cold water over it, this is very beneficial.
You may also suffer from cramps (your partner will laugh when they see you trying to grab your foot with that huge belly!). A magnesium treatment may be welcome.
Your gums may also be weakened and may bleed frequently. Be careful to take good care of your mouth to avoid irreparable damage. Our advice: go to the dentist, he will be able to advise you on suitable toothbrushes and toothpastes.
On the skin side, we continue to use Daylily care to fight against stretch marks: Lait Fondant in the morning all over the body and Huile Sensorielle in the evening on the most stressed areas (stomach, hips, breasts, buttocks, thighs). to soften the skin as much as possible . This is all the more valid in the last few months when the risk of stretch marks appearing is greater. We also think of La Pause Douceur in case of tightness or itching in the stomach.

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27,90 € - Regular price
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27,90 €

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28,90 € - Regular price
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28,90 €

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14,90 € - Regular price
44,70 € - Sale price
14,90 €
You may possibly experience Braxton-Hicks contractions : lasting around thirty seconds, not regular and less painful than real contractions (don't worry, this is normal and they may not even hurt at all... however, we consult if they persist).
On the other hand, some baby blows can be painful, especially when they are on the extreme side or in the rib cage. And baby also puts a lot of pressure on the perineum ...
At the end of the month, you may already have a little transparent, slightly whitish liquid escaping from your breasts: colostrum , it arrives at birth, before the milk comes in. Don't hesitate to bring small pads to avoid any stains on your clothes.
And baby, where is he?
At the end of the 7th month, your baby will measure 37 cm and weigh approximately 1.5 kg . If he were born at the start of this 7th month, he would be fragile and we would speak of a very premature baby but health professionals would take care of him carefully.
It is from this moment that it will start to grow and gain weight quickly .
During this month, his respiratory system continues to mature, while his brain grows larger and larger.
His hair, nails, eyelashes and eyebrows continue to grow. Her skin is starting to smooth out.
If it's a boy, his testicles will descend into the scrotum during this month.
On the senses side, his eyes are wide open but his retina is not yet perfectly functional. Thus, it only perceives variations in light.
He also manages to swallow and make sucking movements . This will be very useful to him at birth! His taste develops more and more: he precisely perceives the flavor of the amniotic fluid, which changes depending on the meal. So make sure to offer him good and diverse ingredients.

His hearing is also sharper: he can distinguish familiar noises from new noises. He thus interacts more and more with you, with his dad and with your loved ones.
You will see your stomach moving in an impressive way, especially when baby wants to communicate with you (if he wants to make you understand, for example, that the position you are in does not suit him).
At the end of this month, he will probably have already turned around to position his head down, in order to prepare for his coming into this world!
Appointments, paperwork, etc. :
You can start childbirth and parenting preparation classes now, if you have not already done so. In this regard, you are lucky, there are new methods today which are no longer as boring as in the past! You no longer need to sit for 2 hours, with 10 other women, listening to a lecture and taking notes. Today, several types of courses are offered to you: sophrology, hypnosis, swimming pool, postures, interactive discussions, prenatal singing, etc. Do not hesitate to find out about the methods offered in your maternity ward (if you give birth in a maternity ward) , or find a private midwife near you! They often offer classes in smaller groups, more intimate (and it is often easier to make friends! ;)).
You will have your 5th mandatory medical consultation , to do routine checks both on you (weight, blood pressure, etc.) and on your baby (heart, location, etc.).
Like every month, you will take blood tests to check for toxoplasmosis if you are not immunized.
You can also do a urine test to check sugar (risk of diabetes) and albumin (search for proteins, which can be a sign of hypertension, kidney abnormalities, urinary infection, etc.).
Have your last ultrasound before giving birth. It will then be possible to check that baby is correctly positioned, head down (in the starting blocks!). An estimate of the baby's weight can also be made which will make it possible to assess his birth weight. This is where we laugh when we announce a 4 kg baby! Don't panic, it'll go well... at least you'll save money on birth-size clothes. ;)
Your doctor may also consider that your condition warrants medical leave. It is a maximum of 14 days, consecutive or not. This will allow you to rest and take care of yourself. It is generally prescribed in the event of risks linked to pregnancy (risk of premature birth, hypertension, gestational diabetes, developmental delay, severe fatigue, etc.).
Almost 8 months pregnant , it will also be time to start arranging the baby's room if the latter decides to show up a little earlier than expected. Better be ready!
You can also start finding out about childcare options later, particularly daycare centers if you wish because places are not always easy to get...